Assignments (Fixed)
Assignments emit a fixed amount of MEDALS per day. Heroes sent to assignments will become busy and be unable to use other game features. Jobs have different requirements as listed below:
Misc. Tasks
No Requirements
(0.1 / 60) $MEDALS
Guard Duty
Warriors Only; Level Required: 10 Strength >= 86 Vitality >= 61
(0.2 / 60) + (Hero's Strength - 85) * (0.05 / 60) MEDALS
Enemy Recon
Assassins Only; Level Required: 10 Agility >= 86 Strength >= 61
(0.2 / 60) + (Hero's Agility - 85) * (0.05 / 60) MEDALS
Magic Research
Mages Only; Level Required: 10 Intelligence >= 86 Will >= 61
(0.2 / 60) + (Hero's Intelligence - 85) * (0.05 / 60) MEDALS
Hunting Game
Rangers Only; Level Required: 10 Strength >= 86 Agility >= 61
(0.2 / 60) + (Hero's Strength - 85) * (0.05 / 60) MEDALS
Altar Maintenance
Spiritualists Only; Level Required: 10 Intelligence >= 86 Endurance >= 61
(0.2 / 60) + (Hero's Intelligence - 85) * (0.05 / 60) MEDALS
City Patrol
Berserkers Only; Level Required: 10 Vitality >= 86 Endurance >= 61
(0.2 / 60) + (Hero's Vitality - 85) * (0.05 / 60) MEDALS
Ruins Scouting
Machinists Only; Level Required: 10 Intelligence >= 86 Agility >= 61
(0.2 / 60) + (Hero's Intelligence - 85) * (0.05 / 60) MEDALS
The community has coined the term CS for class-specific jobs requiring 86 main stat and 61 sub stat.
For heroes that have good stats for questing yet are unable to qualify for a fixed emission job, we will introduce pool-based assignments that has more general requirements. Please refer to the next page for more information.
Emissions Multiplier
Experienced heroes are more efficient and will have better rewards from assignments. Your heroes are entitled to an emissions multiplier depending on their levels:
1 to 19
20 to 29
30 to 39
40 to 49
50 to 59
60 to 69
70 to 79
80 to 89
90 to 99
Emissions Decay
Calculations are based on time passed, and rewards are updated every second.
Please note that emissions won't be generated for the first 30 minutes after sending a hero on an assignment/after claiming.
If a hero is left in an assignment for too long, his morale and productivity will be negatively impacted, affecting his total emissions. The hero's total emissions will drop to 70% after ~7 days (604,800 seconds), to 40% after ~14 days (1,209,600 seconds), and 10% after ~21 days (1,814,400 seconds).
You can reset the decay by claiming rewards without quitting the job or incurring any gas fees.
Last updated