GraphQL Documentation
To query/validate off-chain data.
The team is committed to the development of a fair, legitimate, and proper product. With pure on-chain games having the blockchain to act as a ledger for all transactions, we are working on making all off-chain transactions and in-game information accessible as well.
All APIs are currently available without an authentication token. Please do not abuse the APIs or we might need to implement stricter rate limiting or new methods of authentication!
GraphQL is a query language that lets anyone access our in-game data through available schemas. Schemas might be updated over time, here is a third-party tool that allows users to automatically view and intuitively select information to pull (usage of the tool is at your own risk)-
The screenshots below might be inaccurate to what you see due to schema or UI changes. The general workflow should however stay similar!
Please set the server URL (the URL in the red box) to:
You should now see a whole list of schemas available for you to query! For example.
both allow you to query information regarding heroes.
We can first click on the '+' to create a new workspace. The box under 'Operation' should now be empty. You'll need to add your query variables and fields next.
To query for heroes, for example, let's click `heroes(...): [Hero]!` to view what kind of inputs and fields are available.
Assuming we want to query for everything, we can CTRL+CLICK the
button to add all fields automatically.
Once done, click on the blue 'Play' button. You will see data returned to you.
To filter for only specific entries, you can click on the (+) beside the Arguments list. You will see a json object appear under "Variables", and you will need to fill the variable values in. You can see each argument type beside their names. For example, to see all burnt heroes, we can filter by owner
The maximum number of rows of data that can be returned is 10,000 for non-paginated APIs.
Advanced: To sort the responses within the sandbox, you must use the paginated queries (...Connection) and fill in the orderBy/orderDirection fields.
For beginners, it might be easier to download or copy/paste the information and sort within excel/sheets instead.
If schemas are outdated, please note them down in #devs-and-builders in Discord:
Last updated