
28 March - v1.0.7 Mobile Update

- Login: Wallet address added back for clarity

- Music: If muted, music stays muted when refreshed

- Contracts: Updated to new set of contracts to test for whitelist

- UX: Added wallet balances to the status bar at the bottom

- MOBILE: All UI customized for mobile!

- UX: Made all scrollviews draggable!

- ERC721 NES: Your heroes stay with you even when staking!

25 March 2022 - v1.0.5 & v1.0.6

- Mobile: WalletConect Added

- Backend: database ported

- Claiming: $ELLERIUM and $MEDALS claiming both work

- Quests; Button in Quests to select hero made clearer

- Fixed status effects causing monster HP to go under 0

- Green in Hero page is less sharp

- Register: Messages now clearer.

- Battle: Rewards text made clearer.

- Battle: EXP indicator shows 'MAXED" if appropriate

- Quest: Entry fee is checked for before signing!

- Overall: Messages made clearer

- Signing: All transactions now expose data

- Upgrades: Feedback text made yellow

- Security: Signing works for ledger

17 March 2022 - v1.0.4

- Summoning: Release Heroes now work

- Proper error message is shown when you claim exceeding your balance

- Proper error message is shown when you try to claim 0

- Assignments: Upon claiming, hero salary is automatically refreshed.

- Summoning: When binding and releasing, there is a delay and your heroes will be updated automatically if there is no congestion.

- Summoning: Error prompts appears if you didn't select heroes

- Profile Creation: Error prompt appears if invalid name is entered.

- Text: NIL has been changed to more appropriate terms.

- Renaming: Fee changed to 5000 $MEDALS. Name shows instead of class for renamed heroes

- Dungeons: Error prompts displays proper message now- Won't be forced to refresh for some errors.

- Summoning: Updated text to be clearer, removed excessive text.

- Claim/Deposit: Invalid input gives an error immediately.

- Renaming: Error prompt for insufficient balance before signing

- Upgrading: Error prompt before signing (insufficient exp, medals, ellerium)

- Assignments: 'Second Since Started' changed to 'Time Since Claimed'

- Assignments: time now displays in DD HH MM SS

- Binding/Release: Messages now clearer.

- Summoning: Messages now clearer.

- Inventory: Added tip to say just re-open the tab instead of refreshing.

- Claim/deposit: Messages now clearer.

- Assignments: Messages now clearer.

16 March 2022 - v1.0.3

- Assignment rewards from multiple heroes now accumulate

- Claim tax formula has been implemented, currently at 50%

Last updated