How to use MagicSwap

MagicSwap acts as a gateway to the cross-game ecosystem, built for and by the Treasure DAO community. Use MagicSwap to obtain $ELM, sell $ELM, and provide liquidity.

How to Swap $MAGIC to $ELM

  1. Connect to your wallet holding either $MAGIC that you would like to swap

  2. Enter the amount of $MAGIC you would like to swap to

4. Press swap and approve your $MAGIC to swap, then sign the transaction

5. Click on confirm swap and pay gas to transact

Congratulations! You now have $ELM.

How to Provide Liquidity

  1. Ensure that you have sufficient $ELM and $MAGIC in your wallet that you would like to pair (If you do not, refer to the instructions above on how to obtain $ELM/MAGIC)

  2. Head to and click on "pool" at the bottom of the page

  3. Enter the amount of $MAGIC/$ELM you would like to pair

4. Click on 'Add Liquidity' and execute the transaction to provide liquidity and obtain LP tokens. (Note: You will need to execute 2 transactions approving $MAGIC and $ELM if it is your first time adding liquidity)

5. Congratulations! You have now provided Liquidity and own MagicSwap LP tokens

Read more on how you can use MagicSwap LP tokens in Elleria!

Last updated